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قديم 26-03-2013, 04:59 PM   #[23]
معتصم الطاهر
:: كــاتب نشــط::
الصورة الرمزية معتصم الطاهر

Becoming a leader at work can be a challenge. You want to be aleader but you do not carry the title. So, how do you go about positioningyourself as a leader at work

There are many ways, but listed below are some that comes to mind. You can use these actions that will inevitably position yourself as a leader atwork without being too obvious about your ambitions.
1- Take Responsibility:-1
You want to be a leader at work, learn to take responsibility foranything that has your fingerprint on it. That means, as long as you participatein the project, you have a hand at the failure of the project.
Learn to take responsibility for not just the good things, buteven bad ones. Admit to your mistakes - it’s okay to be wrong. You cannot learnif you have not made any mistakes.
2- Believe In Win-Win
A rising tidelifts all boats – always thinkwin-win. It exists. Just because the world thinks the business world is nasty, and that you need to be manipulative and maneuveringto win,you need not participate init.
In fact, make it your contribution not to be nasty and bullying inyour ways. You want to be a leader at work, believe in your hands as leader tochange the world.
The power of positive influence you have on the people around youand the power to inspire people to greater heights is in front of you.
3- . Push The Envelope.
Try new things. Take some risk. Make yourself uncomfortable. Dothe things that may risk making you look foolish – what do you have to lose? Leaders take risks. They are not afraid of doing what they believe.
What do you believe in that you are willing to take some risk? Tobe a leader at work, you need to take even simple risks like taking on theproject no one wants.
4- Do It, Write It
I have often said this. This world is full of people who talk toomuch and don’t do enough. If you want to be a leader at work, act uponsomething. Work that plan.
If you have any ideas that are simmering in your mind, write itdown. It doesn’t matter if it’s not a plan yet, just write it down.
If you don’t write it down, there is no one to present to andthere is no record of the idea. How can it count? If you want to be a leader atwork, you have practice writing down everything.
5- See Opportunities Everywhere
There is no need to create opportunities for yourself to lead. Theopportunities to lead are everywhere. You need to be mindful of theseopportunities.
I have just mentioned one earlier. Are there any opportunities totake on the project no one wants? If you don’t see opportunities everywhere, youare missing the point.
6- Be Open
Be open to criticism, otherwise you are just living off yourself. What does it mean? When you are open to feedback, you are being fed ideas fromothers that are free. Often times, these ideas come from people smarter thanyou. They will give you tips on how to improve and how to be better.
That’s what a leader needs - constant feedback. You need feedbackto be a leader at work, otherwise you are “feed-own” (I just created that wordto mean feeding yourself) and you will go hungry soon. With no new ideas, aleader dries up.
7- . Give, Give, Give
That’s how you open up. Pour out all you got from inside you. Giveall you have ideas, thoughts, plans. Feel the vulnerability and learn to likeit. When you pour all your ideas out you will need new ones. Where do new ideascome from? From critics who want to tear you down, from well-meaning supportersand from people you least expect.
More comes back to you. You have more to input. It enriches you. That’s how you become a leader at work.
These are the seven actions to position yourself as a leader atwork. You want to be a leader at work? Do not be afraid of taking risks. Youhave more to gain than lose when you open up.


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Mohammed Abuagla

الساعة الآن 07:50 AM.

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